Questions You May Need Answered
What kind of energy will you sell?
We'll be supplying electricity and gas to domestic customers and small businesses. In the beginning, we'll buy our energy in the wholesale green-energy markets. Later, we'll be generating our own green and renewable energy from a variety of environmentally friendly sources.
Will you only supply to the Borders?
No, we'll more than happily accept customers from anywhere in the UK, but we won't be promoting ourselves widely at first because we don't have the budget. We can control our costs better initially by focussing our efforts and staying close to home. We hope the word will spread.
How can you be cheaper?
We won't have the buying power of the Big Six, but then we won't have their overheads either. We won't have big shareholders to satisfy, and our salary cheques won't have so many noughts on.
Ethical, really?!
So you're another company on the green bandwagon?
Who are you?
When will you be ready?
We can't give you an exact answer because we can only control our own part of the start-up process, but think it will be a matter of a few weeks. We will issue regular updates on progress.
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