Sometimes life
gives you difficult choices, for example,
whether to be rude and inconsiderate, or to risk
your life trying to be polite.
We've all been there: you've got an
important meeting with a client, or maybe a
friend; but you know you're going to be late, so
what do you do?
Obviously, you can't text or call them while
you're driving, that would be reckless and
dangerous; but if you stop (assuming you can
find somewhere to stop safely), you'll just make
yourself even later.
Fortunately, Appologies can help.
It lets you set up a time and place for a
meeting; and if it thinks you're going to be
late (or if you already are) it sends an
apologetic text on your behalf.
It's as simple as that; but it means that you
can concentrate on your driving, and get there
safely; without the stress of wondering what
kind of reception you'll get when you arrive.
You simply enter the meeting details (you can
select a lot of them from your contacts), then
press the "navigate" button, and it'll even
guide you there using the app. of your choice.
Obviously, you can configure what message is
sent, and when they start, as well as how often;
and a host of other things which you'll probably
only ever need to do once.
Time for the screenshots.