
Sometimes apps.
bring new functionality to a platform; and
sometimes they simply bind together capabilities
that the platform already has.
Loci is one of those.
It lets you tag a place with a
description, and a photograph. You can
send that information in an e-mail, and navigate
to it.
And why would you want to do that?
So that you can..
- ..remember where you parked this morning,
and be guided back there. (With an alarm
so you don't get a ticket),
- ..find your hotel again in a unfamiliar
- ..make your way back to that perfect picnic
- ..meet your friend in a strange town, after
you've both been shopping,
- ..celebrate your anniversary in the exact
place you met,
- ..repair the broken junction box you noticed
- ..have a record of where you found that rare
wildflower, so you can find it again.
Obviously, the most common use will be the
first one; and you'll more than make back
whatever you paid for the program the very first
time it saves you from getting a ticket; but the
more you use it, the more uses you'll find for
I know I use it a lot: for instance my local
landowner has given me permission to forage for
wood, so I do; and I gather it into piles, then
collect the piles together at the end.
Since the woodland all looks the same Loci means
that I don't forget to collect any of the piles
I've gathered; which would be incredibly
That's what I mean by finding more uses for it:
if someone had ever told me that there would
once be an app. which would make it easier to
collect wood, I would have been amazed.
Time for the screenshots.
It's available
in both paid and free versions. The free
version has advertisements, and some of the
storage functions are limited.
The free version is here, to buy
it, go here in the Google Play
store, or click this: