Apposite Software

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Alarum, the
                  fast and flexible way to wake up.
Loci, never forget
                  where you parked again.
                  being polite need not risk your life.
                  help with solving crosswords and anagrams.
ToDo, if your job
                  involves going places to do things, this is the app
                  you need.
                  pith and moment at the touch of a button.
Tract, keeps
                  track of your journeys, and might just save your
Tuna, for all your
                  bagpipe-tuning needs.
Find The Word -
                  fun with Word Searches
Add sound
                  effects to your life
Get some
                  leg-warmers for your logical side
You know you want
The fast and easy
                  way to get tips sent straight to your mobile device

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Sound effects on tap

You want horse-racing tips?  We've got horse-racing tips!

Three and a half years in the making, and with over one thousand hours of CPU time spent on analysis TipStar is probably the most accurate* horse-racing prediction program available for the Android platform anywhere in the world.

It makes it quick and easy to have tips broadcast directly to your android, for as little as a pound per tip.

To get you started, it even comes pre-loaded with £20 of tips, so you can try it out before you pay for any.

Because the algorithms we use are so accurate, the number of tips we broadcast per horse has to be restricted so that its odds are not affected.

We do this with a kind of online auction: in order to receive the next relevant tip, you need to have what we call an "open bid".
You buy these, using the app., from a "float" of credit which you purchase from Google Play.  Don't worry if you don't already use
  Google Play, they're more than happy to sign you up.

Once you have an open bid, all you have to do is wait until a tip becomes available - at that point if TipStar has more users online than the number of tips which will be broadcast, it will broadcast only to the highest bidders. If not, all bids are accepted and all bidders will receive the tip,
approximately five minutes before the off.

You can "filter" which of all possible tips you bid for, so that you don't waste money bidding for tips which you don't want.

For example, you can ignore any tips for meetings you're not interested in, or which have odds you don't care for.  You can even choose whether to receive all available tips - even those at short odds - or just those which our analysis shows give the best Return On Investment (there are, obviously, fewer of these).

We can't guarantee that any tips will be broadcast for the races which match your selection, because only a certain number of tips are generated each day, depending on ever-changing information, so it's not always known until quite close to any given race whether a tip will be available for it.

Whether you want reassurance that your own hunch is right, a little more in your pocket at the end of the day, or just some inspiration, TipStar can give you as many, or as few, tips as you want; and since you only pay for the tips you win bids for, you can control your spending too.

It's like having a star tipster in your pocket - that's why we call it TipStar.

(I'm probably also supposed to tell you to gamble responsibly.   Gamble responsibly.)

* How accurate?  Well, the latest trial started on the 22nd April this year (25 days ago), and it's bet on 125 races since. Of those, it correctly predicted the winner 56 times.  That's an accuracy of 45%, which may not sound too impressive, until you realise that the major bookmakers, with all their technology and expertise, can only predict the winner correctly between 30-32% of the time.  The Return On Investment for the period was 115%, when all bets were placed.  Placing only those chosen to maximise ROI (of which there were 18), yielded an ROI of 136% with an accuracy of 33%.

For what it's worth, its selections
placed 92 times in the same period, which is 74%.

Available now, free, here, although in-app purchases are required once the initial free trial has been used.